Interactive Self-Service BI
Every department in a company has specialized needs around what data drives business decisions. One-sized-fits-all doesn't work anymore. Adding to this, no company can afford to scale their data org to service individual department needs for an entire company. Thus, the appeal of self-service BI. As head of the Business Intelligence org at BitTitan, I lead the creation of an infrastructure and culture built around the right data at the right place at the right time. Self-service BI through Microsoft's PowerBI stack was an integral part of that system. The best compliment a head of analytics can receive is knowing employees are empowered for success across the entire org chart. During my time as head of BI, BitTitan grew annual revenue an average of 83 percent.
"The best compliment a head of analytics can receive is knowing employees are empowered for success across the entire org chart. During my time as head of BI, BitTitan grew annual revenue an average of 83 percent."
Targeted dashboards and reports were designed and created for organizations across the company including sales, marketing, development, operations, HR, and finance. All reporting was built on top of a multifaceted data-stewardship ecosystem of relational databases, warehouses, document DBs, datafactories, event pipelines, and petabytes of cloud storage.
Realtime Analytics
Hammers don't drive in screws very well and BI is equally about having the right tool for the job. In conjunction with our self-service BI stack, I also developed a network of monitors around BitTitan's Kirkland and Singapore offices displaying volatile org-specific data. Built on cloud-service Leftronic and powered on the backend by Microsoft SQL Server warehouses and Powershell scripts, each department need only look up to see important real-time and emergency data.
BitTitan Insights
Not every company has the resources to do their own in-house analytics. This is especially true of BitTitan's bread-and-butter partner: the SMB. To give back to our community of partners, I directed an initiative that combined my expertise in analytics with my ownership of our Sell portfolio of products. Titled as BitTitan Insights, the initiative was a culmination of billions of facts (or insights) collected on tens of millions of companies worldwide. Using the power of cloud-computing resources, we collected petabytes of company demographic, and IT-usage data and fed this data through a pipeline of predictive models trained on real-world data.
"Using the power of cloud-computing resources, we collected petabytes of company demographic, and IT-usage data and fed this data through a pipeline of predictive models trained on real-world data."
The end result was a cloud service which integrates with our partner's existing CRM system to score and rank their existing marketing pipelines for prioritized and targeted sales and marketing campaigns. Imagine knowing what customers to call first in an up-sell campaign to your existing customer base, or doing follow-up marketing to conference attendees with targeted messaging based on their expected IT usage needs. The program was a huge success with hundreds of partners signing up in the first few weeks after release.